Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 88 of 365: Disney movie

For some reason today, I was thinking about kids. No, not thinking that creepy, but the day I have my own kids that I can call my son or daughter. Pictures of how my dad raised me and my siblings made a sort of flashback and reflection of how I would lead my own family soon. I think this thought was triggered by the Disney movie I saw this evening, "The Princess and the Frog". What happens if my kids want to watch a cartoon, even though I know that I don't. Of course, for my kids, I will take them to a movie. Share my joy of going to the movies with them, teaching them to enjoy it with silence and not bother anyone else. I figure there's a lot I would teach to them. Some lesson would probably be harsh, but it's out of love. They probably won't understand at that moment, but I need to teach them love: to love and be loved. Wow...growing up is the hardest part.

Well, that was one of the highlights. I did make an attempt of pho. Not how I thought it would come out to be, but close enough. Couldn't find beef broth for the longest time. I had to drop by Safeway for that. Thank God there was a 3 for $2 deal, so I walked out of Safeway spending under $6 (including an onion I forgot to get). Overall, not bad. I'm counting on Kristy to cook something up tomorrow night. Deal is a deal, I took her to watch that Disney movie...which was actually pretty good.

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