Saturday, December 19, 2009

Day 79 of 365: Dumb drunk

What a depressing day... I woke up for paintball and I got three malfunctioning guns that took me 2 hours to fix only one. I thought I got at least two done, but one of them decided to go back to broken status. Got my money back from the admission fee since none of us played a game. Crazy... Need to get the guns back in working order this week.

So we drove back to the city, which was tiresome for some reason. Met up with Amos and Vincent for lunch and played MW2 to make up for paintball. I say it was a relatively short day because shortly after playing MW2, it was time to go to the Christmas program. It went well, but it was difficult to hear and concentrate on the program when you're seat with all the children...

Went to D&A cafe after for supper, but I was in high alert because of all the bars that were around the area. Lots of yelling and screaming when I parked. Found out that it was just a bunch of dumb drunk folk betting on who could run up the street the fastest. Really dumb because if one of them kept going, he'll probably get run over by a car.

In the cafe, I was still in high alert. Bunch of guys eating near our table were yelling profanities at each other, as though one offended another. It didn't last long, but can you blame me from preparing myself for the worst? I mean, what if one of those guys got so mad and decides to act on his anger? What if he has a gun? All these and more ran through my head. Although I know that God is on my side, I still see my responsibility to protect my family and friends.


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