Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 71 of 365: White elephant

It rained! I love the rain! Best enjoyed indoors, dry and warm... Too bad I had to work... At least work wasn't that bad. Just a couple of nasty patients, but I haven't had those in a while.

Today's highlight was my clinic's Christmas dinner. I invited Annie as my guest and I was more than happy that she came. Would've been a tad awkward since we were seated at a table with all the doctors including the boss of the whole clinic. The food was...bleh, honestly...and yelp gave it 4 stars overall? Maybe it's just this menu, but it wasn't that great. I chose the gumbo and the best part about that is the fresh crab. Other than that, it didn't came out as I expected.

There are a white elephant portion of the dinner, which was fun! Lots and lots of stealing, which makes the church's white elephant really look like a game for saints since no one from church would steal, or rather rarely steals. But the stealing is part of the fun of this! It was really funny when everyone wanted certain things and other got crappy stuff. Annie originally got this dancing Santa...thing...that looks like something from the 90's. Looks really tacky... Annie played it out well, but I know that she didn't want it. Even I didn't want it... Thank God, someone stole it! At the end, Annie got a travel shoe shining kit.

When it came to my turn, I picked up a cactus. Didn't quite look like the other ones out there. This one looks more like a flower. Couple turns later, someone decided to steal mine... I went up to pick another and I got a silver dish that says "Bless this home" or something like that. It's cool, I guess, but not something that I would get. Either way, I like the fact that it says "Bless this home"! I'll say 'Amen' to that!

After the evening was over, I drove some of my coworkers back to the clinic to pick up their car and I drove Annie to pick her's up. Pretty fun evening! Thank God for letting Annie come! Wouldn't have gone through it any other way!

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