Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 63 of 365: Contentment

Today felt like a drag... The only thing different is a 2 hours long break, thanks to some Christmas dinner shopping for work. After that, it just feels...tiresome. I really don't mind the work at all, but perhaps I'm just out of shape... I have been doing some push-ups at least. 20 last night, 30 tonight.

I know I shouldn't complain, but that's just the nature of the human instant gratification condition... I want so much, but give so little. If there's another lesson to learn in life, it is the price for getting what you want. It'll drain your life out. The crazier thing is that you'll never be satisfied after getting it. Oh, the countless toy boxes of cars, action figures and planes that I got, but neglected after a while when something new pops out of the horizon. Same with real cars and games and clothes and know what I mean. Contentment...

Well, I went to a BSF seminar on "Sharing the Gospel". Never thought it'll reveal so much of what's lacking in this topic. First of, I suck as an improvisational actor, playing an unbeliever. Good thing, maybe. I see it can be a negative side because I'm unfamiliar with what unbelievers see in Christians. Second, I'm all over the place when sharing the Gospel. I don't know if it's a lack of public speech experience, confidence issues or the lack of conviction in the Gospel. I hope it's not the latter, but I confess it could be the combination of each. There was a good point about the Gospel, it is not based on emotions and it's not meant to make me happy. It is meant to tell me that everything I do is wrong and my path for earthly pleasure is futile. What feels good, or seems good, is futile. Without Jesus, it's nothing. It is not based on emotions... Quite a powerful point... Time to ponder...

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