Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day 30 of 365: Save up

So tired...still have to wake up for's starting to become a struggle to wake up early especially when I have less hours to sleep than before. At least the positive news for the morning is that the position I'm filling in for, temporary, in BSF leadership has finally received a candidate! This is quite a delight for me as my capacity to serve in multiple ministries seem to be stretched thin. I pray that the candidate will be led by God to do well in this position.

After the meeting, I decided to get my hair trimmed. The barber I usually go to, but haven't in a couple of months, still remembers me and wondered where I was for the past months. I feel almost special that he still has me in mind! I was going to a different barber before, but for some reason, I felt the need to go back. I don't know yet if this is what God intended, but in any case, it'll be exciting to see what is in stored for this.

With my clean cut trim, I met up with Annie to do one thing: start a joined bank account. Good to have and definitely a good discipline to manage. Word of advice to those with marriage in mind: SAVE UP!!! It'll help you in the future!

Came home after to wash all the little annoying stubs and pieces of hair and after that, Annie and I went to In-and-Out for lunch. Good stuff especially 'Animal' style burger and fries, but this one was one of the most messiest and saltiness burger from this joint I have ever had! I know they're not usually like this. Still love it!

Annie and I planned to have a time of recreational activities! Throwing the Frisbee was what's on our minds and we thought we join Amos' group for a game of Ultimate Frisbee. Met some new friends (Allen and Laura). Started a game going, but I think I got a little competitive when the other team was doing some "borderline" cheating with the short passes that were pretty much 'hand-offs'. I know it's just a casual game, but that's eating game time for those that don't play this game often enough. I thought it was inconsiderate... Tried playing Badminton for a while despite not being inside. The wind wasn't that bad and it was manageable.

Dinner was at Little Beijing. There was 11 of us that went and we ordered just enough. I know that after running around and playing sports I would be more thirst than hungry. Ended up eating two small bowls of rice and various dishes.

And then! Worship practice! It was quick and easy. With Uncle Tad leading, it literally was an in and out deal. He knew what he wanted and all of us had to deliver. I couldn't think of much to playing around with on the bass and I think it's because my mind is still fresh from playing the acoustic guitar on Wednesday. That's good stuff!

Went to Victor's after to just hang out. Played this silly game involving a brown paper bag where the player has to grab it by the mouth while balancing in one foot. It seems challenging just watching. After each round, the paper bag gets an inch trim off the top to make it shorter and harder for the player to grab the bag. Amos and Mei went at it until there was maybe about...less than a quarter of the bag left? Nuts...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 29 of 365: Dumb Walgreen's

Not as crazy as yesterday, but definitely no different with the desperation of each person who fears the H1N1. I still don't see it as a big deal... Maybe because I know that death is not the end, but the beginning. Oh, I might have seen Kendrick's mom in the clinic today, but with the rush of several hundred people trying to get in, I can't be too sure if it really was her.

I finally got to have lunch with Annie after what...years of not having lunch on a workday! Actually got to give it to Annie having to drive over and set her schedule to have lunch. Thanks lo paw! Definitely a good change and refreshing face to look at compared with the faces of confused and sick people.

Fellowship was Parents Appreciation and I expected it to be chaotic trying to manage a bunch of young Jr High students, but mostly trying to get them to follow the plan. I thought it went well, but this is probably another indication that I need to recharge. I simply didn't have the energy to manage every thing. This is not like it was several years back when I had the energy for everything. God help me for the remainder of the school year... I'm starting to look forward to the summer where the break begins from BSF!

I did get nervous with the pumpkin carving activity that was intended for the students and their parents, but I felt most uneasy when certain students that I thought were not mentally fit to handle carving and utility knives started to hack away at pumpkins that were thick and difficult to cut through. I think one grazed himself with the utility knife... Definitely something to consider in the future... Oh, and invest in good carving knives. The ones I bought broken shortly after being used... Dumb Walgreen's brand...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 28 of 365: Madhouse

I expected the clinic to be busy and chaotic because of the H1N1 vaccine that given out today, but I never thought I would spend an hour on the phone without a moment of silence! It was literally one call after another! When it seem like the calls ended and I motioned my hands to replace the handset, another call rings in. The worst was at 4pm when the vaccination begins. This is not a clinic anymore, it's a madhouse! Noise came from screaming children and adults in full conversation with the nurses. I can't believe that the line for the vaccine stretched to wrap around the block with people lining up in clusters! It looks as though it was Black Friday and we were selling high demand goods. Even at 10 in the morning, people set up shop with their books and chairs, waiting to be the first to receive the vaccine. Too bad, none for them because we started to give priority to pregnant women and children. That's good in a way. Get all the crying children out of the way first.

Coming home was a breath of fresh air and a good moment to recollect myself from the noise. After that, it was the TnT meeting, which went well. Lots of things to follow up on and I feel like I have no time.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day 27 of 365: Amos' guitar

I forgot what it feels like to have early evenings by myself. When I say that, I mean when I have the early evenings to do anything from watching TV to playing games, chords or not. Seems like that portion of the day disappeared and everything else is done later in the evening, close to bed time. I want to say I want my relaxed life back, but lets face the Apostle Paul taught in 1 Corinthians 13:11 when I ought to set aside my childish ways and be a man. Suck life in and take it like it is. Joy...Well, that's what the weekend's for! Hello frisbee!

I came home and walked straight to Amos' guitar. I do say I miss playing an acoustic guitar... It's probably one of the most therapeutic form of relaxation for myself. Oh, which reminds me, I found a therapeutic method to release tension! Shaking my bottle vigorously for no reason. There has to be water in it or it'll never work! Sounds like I'm crazy...

Made sliders for dinner using the Billie Mays' slider grill. Not what I expected...not like White Castle, but I suppose it's better because of the thickness of the patties. Had company over (the usual gang), but I wasn't in the mood to entertain, so I stick to what I do best and be a "Martha" for the rest of the night. Prep, cook, clean, serve... 'Sigh'...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 26 of 364: Getting old

Man, I must be losing my mind...I can't wait for this H1N1 flu clinic to be over. Once it is, no more people calling in for the same thing and reciting policies and vaccine information. I think even my colleagues are going crazy. Well, enough about that...

It was refreshing to get back home and relax for a while before heading to BSF. Boiled some soup and watched...what was that show...Venom 911? Oh, watched that for a short moment before switching to '13 Ghosts'. I saw this movie before and I can only say that it's stupid, yet entertaining. Not gory, but somewhat fun to watch.

I headed out to get some things done at the property before going to Mission Dolores Church for BSF and was thankful that everything went smoothly.

BSF was fine. There was stacks of hay and dry wheat stalks in the building for some reason. Almost feels like the church had a pumpkin patch event... Smells of dried...hay? Reacted to that for a while, but it was temporary.

I don't know what it is, but I'm starting to cohesion with my thoughts. I would think about something and then it's sort of mixed up later. Forgot a bunch of things that I needed to bring to BSF and I know that I reminded myself. Getting old?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Day 25 of 365: Good stuff

I never thought the H1N1 caused such a scare... There was so many phone calls at isolated times of the day! I'll get moments of constant ringing and then after all that, it could be silent for half an hour before the whole cycle starts all over again... Needless to say, it was busy. Had a lot of projects to take care of, including one that needs me to make an ad to announce the cancellation of the seasonal flu clinic that was originally scheduled for next week. I am anticipating a lot of angry patients...

After work, I had to do a showing of an apartment unit for a small family from Texas. Very interesting family. Father is a retired veteran, older son is a private business owner and a 8th grade son. Went through everything by the book. Can't say how nervous I was before the meeting, but as long as I get everything down, I wasn't too worried.

When that was done, I headed over to the Richmond district to meet up with an old High School friend that I haven't seen in a while. Good time to catch up. Had dinner at Sushi Bistro. Not how I would like my Japanese done, but I have to say, it did have a unique swing to sushi rolls. You were right, Kristy. Good stuff!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day 24 of 365: Chinese manners

I've never been so tired in my life! Strangely at this moment in time...Nothing compared with my school years and maybe with the army, but this is crazy! I'm starting to take afternoon naps, which is usually unheard of.

I came back after service today and relax for a while before falling asleep for almost 2 hours. After that, I decided to just go out for a run. It feels good to finally be able to feel my body ache. Like I know it's there. I ran and walked 50/50 from home to Sunset. Walked on the way back to just some cool down time and of course, I didn't want to push my already out-of-shape state up those hills.

I showered and headed to Annie's place for dinner. Reminded myself how one hour is never enough to do anything these days...Goes right by. Reason being that I wanted to get something for Annie's parents, so I won't come over empty-handed. I thought I had time, but soon after the shower, it was about time to drive to Annie's and not enough to drive to Kukje. Next time...

Dinner is always a feast at Annie's! There's always sweet shrimp and fish, but most of the other dishes are rotated.

One thing I need to work on: Chinese manners and traditions... Actually feels like relearning...

[Make-up] Day 23 of 365: Good sleep

I just got back from Matt's place after having a steak dinner with Aaron, Mike, Mei, Amos, Matt, Annie and I. Pretty fun, though this happened after my 3 hours of catch-up sleep in the afternoon. Fun though. Played Pictionary after dinner, but not from the actual game board itself, but with words that we came up with ourselves.

BSF this morning was surprisingly fine. There wasn't the struggle to get up from bed, or the sluggishness of the morning. Maybe it was the fog I woke up to. I actually like the fog a lot! It's mysterious in some way and in most other ways dangerous since you have to be extra careful when looking out for crazy drivers.

After BSF, I headed to church to lead assembly in the Saturday Chinese School program. Went well, though I wish I had more time to prepare. Came out with a last minute illustration, which I hope caught their attention. Rather quiet group, but I guess they just need some time to warm up to us.

After that, it's the Pumpkin Patch field trip for the TNT kids. This is for them to pick out a pumpkin for next Friday's Parents Appreciation night. Hopefully that'll come out fine... I found some stencils for the kids for follow and most of them are pretty clean and fun!

Went home after, which resulted in a crash on mental state...I literally was shutting up and ready for a nap. After Annie came over, at which Amos was already home with Mike and Mei, I plopped into bed and just slept straight through for 3 hours. Good sleep, but I need a little more...

Friday, October 23, 2009

Day 22 of 365: Ministry overload

Okay, now that Day 21 went well, quickly to Day 22! Quickly, because there's a lot of catch-up work to be done with BSF and tomorrow's Saturday school assembly... Can I say that I'm doing too much and am running out of gas? I seriously feel like I'm giving a lot, but receiving little to give back out again. Ministry overload with new students at TNT, BSF disciplinary issues and future ministry plans... It definitely calls for a break when I get married...

Too be honest...nothing crazy happened today...Other than been really tired, happy to see students that haven't been coming lately and catching up with others I feel like I haven't seen in ages!

Alrightie then...back to BSF...

[Make-up] Day 21 of 365: Photographer meeting

I guess there's a first for everything...I had to make up Day 21 because last night, Blogger didn't work. I had everything written out, but it was all erased... Funny how in all the convenience of technology, it just finds a way to be unreliable. Anyway, just to make up for yesterday, here's what happened on October the 22nd, summarized:

1) Slept in.
2) Lunch at home with Shepherd's Pie.
3) Went to clean a property.
4) Installed glove box light, then later realized that I put it back incorrectly.
5) Chilled at home after showering.
6) Installed smaller, yet brighter, dome lights and blinded myself testing it in broad day light.
7) Went to Starbuck's at Laurel Heights to meet Annie for a wedding photographer meeting.
8) Went to another wedding photographer meeting, but at his amazing home with a room dedicated to photography.
9) Had dinner at a Japanese restaurant run by Chinese people and cleaned up by Mexicans.
10) Got home and chilled...

I wrote a lot more than this with more detail, but because of time and the next posting for today, I shall keep it at this.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Day 20 of 365: Grammatically simple

Semi-quiet today. Went lunch with the janitor of the clinic, which is pizza at his buddy's coffee shop. Pretty cool establishment with really good coffee. Strong, yet not very heavy on the bitterness. I really enjoy talking to this guy. Almost feels like my days in Singapore during High School where we could loosely joke around, but still be able to talk about deep stuff. Interesting work relationship there, but I respect the man.

I ran into...Elder Lai's wife? I think it's Lai ma ma... Well, it's the one that is the mother-in-law of my clinic's Medical Director, so...I don't know where that would go. Just thought it was amusing to run into people from church when I'm working. Almost feels like I have to be extra courteous since I'm starting to get really firm on most patients.

Speaking on being firm on patients, one of them was giving me and a nurse a hard time. He had an appointment in the morning, but came in mid-afternoon. Naturally, if you miss the schedule we reschedule, but this appointment would have to be done elsewhere (SF General). He didn't like the idea of going to SFGH for the appointment and used the reasoning that most patients use, "I live nearby, why should I go to SFGH?". The thing is, this is something out of our hands. Miss this certain appointment and it's off to SFGH. Can't do anything about it, but he was particularly determined that this wasn't the policy before. Now I'm pretty sure he wasn't listening to every word carefully and is probably selectively listening to me and the nurse. After tuning my English to a more grammatically simple English, I finally convey the policy across to him and got him to understand why it is so. He apologized and then left. No further questions or inquiries. This job can be boring, but when it's exciting, it tests many fruits of the Spirit. Thank God for opportunities to expand.

Dinner is Shepard's Pie. At least, Amos was trying to make it. Mike and Vincent was over by the time I got back and I think Mike took the head chef role and Amos stood in as sous chef? Well, it came out good. One plate was all it took to fill everyone up. There's plenty of leftovers to fill in breakfast, lunch and dinner until this Friday. Good stuff...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Day 19 of 365: Annoying distraction

One highlight of the day. Actually, two highlights that made work interesting. Both were phone conversations with patients and both have a sort of annoying distraction in the background. First of the two is the conversation that has the echo of my voice in the background. Can't say how hard it was to concentrate on my message to the patient when you can hear the same words echoing back to you. It was really confusing to the point where I had to pause for a moment to get my bearings straight. I did manage to focus my attention on what to say and ignore the echo. Hecka annoying...

Second of the two is probably not as bad in the beginning, but later on, it's like a migraine.. This time around was a conversation with a patient that doesn't speak much English, broken that the most. On top of that, there's a consistent 'beep' in the background. This 'beep' is the exact same sound that emits from a really cheap alarm clock bought from a Chinese store. From the first second to the moment of hanging up this 'beep beep beep beep beep' goes on and on and on. I wasn't sure if the patient was aware of my annoyance, but I think we were concentrating so hard on what we are saying to each other, the 'beep' didn't matter. What matter was to get it over with for my side and get what he need on his side. Lovely...

BSF was like an after school program all over again. Now I'm starting to like the administrative stuff, but being the disciplinary figure isn't as easy as it usually is. This time around I need to watch what I say and follow the "guidelines" that the BSF manual provides. Can't say that every thing in that manual works, but one thing I appreciate about BSF is the strict reinforcement of rules. Some people in the world forgot what it's like to follow rules and this is a comfort, in some strange way, for me to realign with the rules.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 18 of 365: Usual routine

Wasn't it a surprise to have heavy rain in the middle of the day? I was surprised...

Didn't run today. Instead, I went grocery shopping and got what I need to make Sweet and Sour Pork and some stir-fried vegetables. The pork came out alright, except the fact that I had to endure the pain ordeal of hot oil spewing out of the pan. Other than that, it was good. The vegetables...errr...mismatch sea of green...broccoli, cabbage and sweet peas...nothing but green. Could have added some carrots to make it look a little more presentable, but food is food.

Phew...nothing much happened today. If you want details, look at the previous entries and you'll get the idea of what today felt like. The usual routine...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Day 17 of 365: Animal sacrifice

So tired today...I've been awaking up early for the past two days... I know some probably woke up early like this every day and here I am complaining. Well, I'm not conditioned to this hour of waking yet. That's why I'm going to try to hit the hay stack earlier. I just showered and I'll just wait for my hair to dry. Probably like to go for a run after work tomorrow. Might just tire me out enought to make me sleep earlier. Plus, I get to stay in shape!

Real quick now: Worship service was good today. Practiced for the set this morning at 7:30am and everything turned out great. Went home after to chill and relax. Ate leftovers and playing games for a while before joining Annie to a showing of a property nearby my home. Tried the new Nubi Yogurt that opening in Lakeshore plaza. Good and refreshing, but no where to sit since it was a really small store. So we drove back home and enjoyed it. Oh, Mike and Mei were over. Annie went back home for dinner, which I should have went to. Felt so bad for not going after realizing that Annie's mom actually made something for me and I "said" I was going to join them for dinner. I honestly misunderstood what she said to me last night. Got to make it up some how... Flowers? Fruits? Animal sacrifice?

Anyway, like I said, I'm going to try to sleep early tonight...Peace!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Day 16 of 365: Good day

BSF leaders meeting went well today. Only thing is that I have work my responsibilities to BSF standards. Everything that has been done thus far seem to work until now when the rules and guidelines are now strictly enforced... Yikes...that means I get to be the bad guy when the need calls for it.

I took a trip up to Sacramento to visit Annie's grandparents. Her aunt cooked a typical Chinese meal that looked like it fell from the dinner slot. Crab, abalone, vegetables, chicken and five spices duck. Good stuff! I like the crab despite having several people complaining about the salt water scent. I say it's all natural flavoring! Dropped by the Dollar Tree store, which is mostly junk that I don't trust, and Walmart at a much later time. Walmart is cool even though some hate their ways of doing business. They literally have some really cool stuff!

Oh, interesting thing was that Annie's dad let me drive his Maxima. From what Annie told me, he doesn't like other people to drive his car. I say I totally understand where he's coming from. I see it the same way with the Camry. The fact that the seat that was perfectly set at the right place for my driving pleasure has been moved around, it's annoying to get that position back again. Easier for those with manual seats, but with power seats, each adjustment is minuet and annoying to get back. I wish the car came with power seats with memory settings, so I could save my perfect driving position without worrying about losing it. Oh, I didn't adjust Annie's dad's seat at all. As a matter of fact, we're about the same height, so adjustments would be counterproductive.

We got back to the city by 8pm and had dinner at Empero Taste on Balboa. I still like that place! Kinda expect a drop in quality, but they are holding it together quite well!

Good day...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Day 15 of 365: Mindless zombie

What a day...It's like any other day at work...any other busy day at work...just feels very boring in between busyness. It's like there's nothing new to read on the internet. No interesting news, despite having several interesting articles like new symptoms for the H1N1 virus, Jon Gosselin getting sued and crazy Halloween costumes. Oh, something about the H1N1, I spoke to this Public Health nurse on the phone that was asking about H1N1 treatment in our clinic, which we don't have, and how she went on talking about political issues prevent San Francisco from getting the vaccine, asking me to lobby for it and how the virus is turning into a pandemic. Okay...lady, I don't see it the same way...sorry... At least I'm not afraid of death. If it comes, it'll be my day to cherish.

One of the staff of the clinic made Bo Bo Cha Cha today for everyone. Oh, and this casserole pastry for breakfast. The pastry was heavy and unique. I thought it was an omelet pastry... Sounds good though. An omelet pie... And the Bo Bo Cha Cha (Singaporean, or asian, dessert based on coconut milk, taro and something else) was super heavy! It filled me enough to skip dinner, or leech some off from Annie's Pad Thai.

Well, this week felt like it was turning me into a mindless zombie. If you're stuck doing things routinely, you might as well be one. The thought of it gave me an idea for a Halloween outfit. That'll be good! Alrighty then! Time to catch up with BSF homework in the next...30 minutes before perlopping into bed.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 14 of 365: Broken heart

The phones at work couldn't receive incoming calls for half the day!! It was pure silence for those 4 hours without the phones ringing off the hook. Didn't know what happened exactly to the phones, but doesn't really matter...I have a good amount of time to chill and relax. A lot going through my mind though...

I felt really antsy for some form of active workout or a fun sport to play. Paintball was on my mind most of the time. Thought about taking maybe a Wednesday or Thursday night after work and just head down to the indoor field at Burlingame. It's not my style, but it's still paintball. Running around with a purpose sounds like my kind of fun compared to running around a lake. Ultimate Frisbee was another sport that stayed on my mind. Suddenly felt like mastering the art of throwing...

I parked my car out on the driveway so I could wash my Camry before this weekend's trip up to Sacramento to visit Annie's grandparents. Thank God for the sun! I don't have to wash a car with cold water under cold weather conditions. However, my broken heart found several more paint chips on the front bumper...a couple were huge. I know, I's only a car...but can you blame a guy for loving a car that God provided? I won't baby it to the point where my paycheck goes out to it every month. I will touch it up maybe once every...oh...3-4 years? Hey, maybe by that time, I'll get a body kit for it!

I went over to Annie's after to discuss issues that troubled my heart. Nothing serious to the point of breakage, but it was a productive and necessary talk. Love that woman to death... *wink*

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 13 of 365: Enduring patience

There are some things that many of the youth don't fully understand...yet! Only until they reach a certain age do they see what their folks see. What the mature and wise adults saw through their experiences. Even so, each path differs from the other. Your path of life is not the exact match to mine and though similarities may parallel each other, there is always a slight deviation. Thank God though for those similarities what we do share. That's where you find mentorship and disciplehood. You follow the examples of those you admire and know will gain knowledge for the future. Solomon asked God for wisdom and he was right to do so. He knew the road he is on is going to be rough for himself to walk alone, so he needed to educate himself to know exactly what to expect and what to do in certain situations.

If anything, today was a reminder of the enduring patience that I need to learn. For work, for family and for the church, I see that wisdom brings forth more than the selfish desires to seek the pleasures of the world. Pleasures that are fading even now, but thanks be to God that He only desires to see us in success and as the living testimony of His glory, His providing Hand! I have a long life ahead and by faith, my household will serve the Lord. He gives freely to those that love Him and will use anything and everything on my path of life to give me a serving of wisdom. Every day there's something new to learn. The only problem is not taking the opportunity to grasp it and apply it to our lives.

I love my family and my fiancee a lot. I probably don't say it enough, but that's the truth and by living the truth of life, I hold dear in my heart a desire to please the one that first showed His love to me. I will not sway nor falter as long as the Lord is with me. As long as I take refuge in the arms of the loving Savior, there really is nothing that man can say to crumble the foundations of my faith. Despite the world's desperate attempt to remove God, I will not be discouraged for the king I serve will not allow Himself to step away from us.

Oh, met one of the wedding photographer today before dinner at a ramen place. I like him!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 12 of 365: Relaxed mind

Woke to the best sound...the sound of rain beating on the window. Strangely, that's one of the best forms of sleep for myself. To hear the rain is like music that puts me to a hypnotic state of mind. In a way, it was a comforting feeling. That meant that I didn't want to wake up, but I had to. I must...

Work was slow, but I was able to go through the day with a relaxed mind. Where I was sitting was a perfect position to gaze outside and watch the drops of rain fall in an awkward 45 degree angle. I read on the news that winds were blowing close to hurricane speeds. It was sort of exciting, but of course, a tad scary. Yeah, just a tad...

I called Sunset Scavenger to work on getting a compost bin for one of the properties I'm helping to manage. Thankfully the wait wasn't long and I was able to speak with a friendly agent. Next thing I know it, it's all done and ready. Scratch one off the list!

Had lunch with Mom for one last time before she flies off to Singapore. That means more things to do around the house for Amos and I, but I like to see this as good training for our future lives with our own families. Taking care of the chores and such. Anyway, back to the lunch...We went to Loi's for pho and what a great time to do so! With the rain and wind come about cold, the hot bowl of pho was perfect to warm us up. The only thing was that the food came fast, it was gone fast. Lunch was in and out in under 30 minutes. After which I went around with her to the variety store and the gas station. I just had too much time left for lunch and I wasn't going to spend it in front of my office computer surfing the internet.

Getting back to do the last couple hours of work was a breeze. Went by really fast. Headed home after and wind down before BSF started. Honestly, I'm starting to feel drained out for ministry. I don't think it's work that's affecting me. I just feel like I need to receive more than I give at this moment. Or maybe I don't have enough to give to the point where I give more that I have? Argh...I can save that for a philosophical moment the week. Anyway, thank God though for holding the rain in its place for the whole night. Not one drop landed on our heads or the ground for that matter. Dry, but cold night. Still, I was able to move all the material for the night without getting it wet. God is good...

I miss my fiancee...I know I talked to her last night, but it felt like we haven't seen each other in a long while. Hi honey! I tried to call, but I guess you were tired... I'll see you tomorrow night though! We can have that yakitori bread!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Day 11 of 365: Despiteful respite

I haven't quite slept this well in a while now. No, this pass Saturday didn't count since I did wake up with a bit of uneasiness. This morning was some real sleep. A dispiteful respite to those who didn't get the day off, but I'm sure there are days that I had to work and others didn't. Oh, I believe that today's break happens to be an unpaid holiday for city employees, so that's the trade-off. Didn't matter to me since I work four days a week.

I went over to the Duncan property to clean up and thankfully the place wasn't all that bad. Cleaning up was faster than usual.

Had lunch with Amos and Mom at the Cafe Bakery on Noriega and then it's to the Guitar Center! Spent an hour there trying different acoustic guitars. You know, I really thought I found THE guitar, but that's just reading the specs on the website. Once I got a feel of it, I was pleasantly surprise at the sounds, but not until I tried several guitars priced from $1,499 to $2,299. Suddenly, the one that I was aiming for sounded like the Ibanez I gave Kristy. Of course, looking at the price tag had me calculating my paychecks and how many months of work do I have to complete to safely acquire the one good guitar for life. I guess I really do have to wait till Christmas...

My brother and I were planning to watch a movie, particularly '9', but the timing of the showings wasn't favorable to our schedule and the schedules of friends. After our visit to Guitar Center, we zipped our way to pick up Mike, but only after a quick trip to 7-11 for a slurpee run. Refreshing!

So the movie plan switched from '9' to 'Zombieland'. We dropped by Subway for a quick dinner before heading down to the Century 20 box office. Amos had second thoughts on spending money on 'Zombieland' and decided to opt for another movie: 'Surrogates'. Yes, I watched it already, but it's okay. It's all about the fellowship anyway...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Day 10 of 365: Encouraging words

We didn't get to check out Grace Community today as planned, but we visited Kristy's church, Church of Southland, instead. It's a Korean based community with a church in the industrial district of Anahiem. It's a good church from the looks of it, so Kristy is in good hands. Her youth pastor mistaken me as Dad though. Give him a weird look when he asked me if I was "Mr. Lee". In a way I am, but that's reserved for later usage. "No...Jeremy", I replied with that look.

I like the worship team in this church. Very balanced as Kristy would so professionally describe it, which it is. One drummer, one bassist, one electrical guitarist, one keyboardist, two acoustic guitarists/lead vocalist, and three back-up vocalist. Not one instrument was overpowering the lead guitars. Very musically talented...except maybe the bassist. Then again, I understand that the songs were played mostly in 4/4 and in the style of contemporary Christian rock/pop....What the heck am I saying?

After service, the four of us decided to head back to Kristy's dorm to drop some of her...bags. I think I'm starting to get to know the area well enough to use the GPS lightly. Not much to think about really. Beach Boulevard pretty much is like the main road to look out for and then it's the road that leads to Knott's Berry Farm, a Medieval dinner arena (always wanted to try that!) and a Pirate-theme dinner place.

We headed out to lunch and tried to avoid anything beef after last night's Korean Barbecue dinner. Checking the list of choices that the GPS gave us, every other listing had 'burger' after it... Bleh... So we narrowed it down to Japanese and hope for the best. And hope found us a good ramen joint! It's called Tampopo and you can yelp that. It's pretty decent and fairly accurate to the Tokyo ramen. Only thing is that the broth was almost tasteless. The sushi rolls were...not as great as sushi places in the Bay Area, but I'll save the little details for my yelp review!

With lunch packed into our "little" guts, we decided, or rather Amos did, to head to the nearest Border's. Fortunately, one was located less than a couple miles down a road. Amos wanted to look for a couple of books as references to his major and we just tagged along. Mom and I went ahead to Seattle's Best Coffee for some joe. Large each for the long road back to the Bay Area. After making our purchase, it's back to Kristy's church to drop her off and then get back on the road again. I have to say, dropping Kristy off reminded me of the days in the Army. Being dropped of and waving farewells is hard, but harder when you're in a place you don't like very much. Thank God that Kristy's circumstances are better than mine or my brother's.

The trip back wasn't as bad as the trip down. And it's not surprising to see the south bound freeway packed with cars that are practically touching each other. I started the first leg of the trip from Anahiem to the foot of the hills. Mom took over after that and went for about 100 miles before passing the baton to Amos for another long stretch. I took the rest of the trip. The drive wasn't that bad overall, but I did feel bloaty and farty towards the last hour of the trip. Felt really nasty...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day 9 of 365: Frustrating people

So today I suppose to be at a BSF meeting, but I failed to wake up. It's very disappointing... Where is the discipline in that? Maybe I can't take BSF now... After this year, I'm done for a while. I'll join the class, but won't be in leadership. So I slept in till 11 to rest up some more, but I also prayed and ask God for direction in what BSF should be in my life.

So I can say for a fact that SoCal, at least LA, is not or me. I ran into a Caucasian lady that seem to be very picky with her choice of parking. I was waiting for a car to back out and I came face-to-face, head-to-head her, in a Chevy HHR, and she was silently demand for the spot that I was waiting for. I could read her lips saying, "I want that one", pointing at the spot. Honestly, I wanted to ignore her and just back up into the spot, but it is just parking plus just a couple spots away was another car backing out. This had a distasteful impression on Americans for the rest of the day. Okay, to be "fair", to certain individuals... Hey listen people, if you behave selfishly, isn't that the reason why other nations have bitter feelings against you? Isn't that why Muslim nations are targeting this country? Sorry, I'm frustrated with people who used to be known as friendly, polite, and respectful. This country isn't what it used to be and it's frustrating.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Day 8 of 365: Road trips

We left for LA at about 1pm, got stuck on the 580 for a couple hours and arrived safely to Biola. Pretty cool place, but it feels like the Singapore army. That's all I say for now at least for now. Oh, good conversations with my brother about philosophy and theology.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 7 or 365: Last lap

Finally! The last work day of the week for me! This week has been busy and I probably moved around the most today. Never thought I would run around to do things that normally would be done by someone else that had to take off early for the day. At least I had some time to do some BSF homework while eating a Vietnamese meatball sandwich. Well, it's actually two of them. Big mistake... The meal had me comatose for about an hour or so, but because of the amount of activity going around, I had to stay on my toes. My Chinese really ought to improve drastically this week. This last day of the week literally felt like the last lap of a long run. Oh, another plus side was the coffee! For some reason, it was perfect! Perfect cup of joe!

Annie told me about this fight that happened on the Chinatown MUNI between a Chinese woman and African-American woman. I watched it after dinner tonight and I have to say how...saddened I am to see a Chinese behaving is such a manner. Honestly though, it's hard to figure out who is at fault here without understand what took place prior to the video and what part of communication was misunderstood. I think the Chinese woman was confused and took the message in the wrong way. One word that describes this incident very well: Pride. I probably won't make a big deal out of any thing and try to be as cooperative as possible, but there is two things that I will defend without hestitation and that's God and my family.

Anyway...we (Mom, Amos, Annie and I) went to Pisces for dinner. Pisces is sort of a semi-fancy restaurant that's located conveniently in the Sunset district. The dinner was definitely worth it for the price. Three course meal for $23 or $33. Taste like any other fancy meal that you'll pay double the price. Good dinner with a great conversation! Tonight went very well! Just as I forsaw! Bwahahahaha!! I mean...'ahem'...exactly what God had in mind.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 6 of 365: Living example

It was refreshing to meditate on God's word and I know this is something I'm lacking. I've been trying hard to remember what I learn from the Bible and of course the one that stuck with me is James 1:19 [...everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.]. Good verse to begin applying. Oh, and I met a patient today that complimented my work attitude and how it was professional. I guess that's from juggling 6 phone calls and 3 patients-in-person all at the same time for 30 minutes with that happening about 4-5 times today. I have, honestly, never seen my phone light up with blinking active phone lines with patients on the other side waiting, hopefully patiently, for me to help them. Being only one man versus a mob, it's hard, but still not bothered by it. I hope it's not a sense of numbness to phone calls or unless I'm going to ignore anyone's phone calls on my cell...

Had lunch with my mom today at Cafe Bakery on Noriega. You'll be surprise at the quality of the food there. Good stuff for a reasonable price! Anyway, lunch with mom is always fresh and we would have something to say or share about our experiences of the day or wisdom that we acquired. Most of the time was dedicated to planning our trip down to LA this weekend. Really excited to head down and visit Kristy, check out Biola and hoping to hear John MacArthur speak at Grace Community.

After work, I tried to do some errands, but since I got off work at 5pm, I could only do so much as part of the city heads home. Save that for tomorrow. I did, however, head down to Kukje supermarket at Daly City to pick up some Korean Pears. Not for myself, but for Victor and his family. We had a dinner appointment at his home, so I didn't want to arrive "empty handed". Dinner was great [Laksa] and the conversation is always interesting. It's good to have a brother to confide in regards to ministry...stuff...

Well, I have tons to finish up before crashing and I highlighted some of the...highlights...of the day.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day 5 of 365: Cruising through

Today was like driving though LA traffic, but not one bit bothered by the surrounding drivers honking and swerving in and out of lanes. Dealing with strange and picky people isn't the easiest task especially when you can only do so much for them. Even so, dealing with them was like cruising through with my mind on auto-pilot. Well, auto-pilot in a sense that, if the conversation is in Chinese, I know exactly what to say, but it would feel like something said too often. Or as Bilbo Baggins would put it, "like butter spread over too much bread". Now sitting here, it felt like time did fly by and I'm in the comforts of my home. Then again, the cycle begins again tomorrow, but I'm thankful that not one day is the same from the other. Adds the much needed flavor.

BSF tonight was rather systematic. It's the first night that I took over as the acting Children Supervisor. This isn't the first time that I had to take over leadership, but what needs to be done has to be met. At least for now, I'll have to do.

At this point in life, I do pray and ask if God wants me to take a break, a year's worth minimal, from youth ministry. Maybe from teaching period. I feel like I'm giving more than I receive. Almost like blowing a balloon, but never taking enough air in to blow back out. It's not that the joy isn't there in ministry. It's the bluntness of the blade that prevents me from being effective. I need to look for a strong men's small group. I don't feel like there's one forming at Golden Gate for now, but I also want to make sure this group is scriptural sound.

Lets see where the good Lord leads.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 4 of 365: Strange contentment

Today, I expected plenty of activity at work. Plenty of patient interactions, updating reports and plain old running around asking if anyone needs help with something. I have to say that despite yesterday low-cast mentality, today's mood was relatively positive and strangely contented. Maybe it's the coffee I had, maybe it's the sleep. I say it's God using it to lift me up. Even though I had to deal with a couple of sloth-like patients (speaking in "uh-mmms" and "errrs"), the word to define them is the opening to test my own [patience]. Regardless of the day, it went well. Productive and lightly busy. Tomorrow might be a different story, so tune in for that.

Jumping to dinner, it was nothing but an old fashion American steak dinner. I probably stuffed about a pound of medium-rare beef down my throat and I might just be done with steak for a while. That beef is going to digest for a week. Props to Mom making the steak. Couldn't done it any better myself!

I'm starting to think that life without school is almost like a life of zombies. Walking to work would probably show some evidence of declining mental abilities. Plus the additional sleep I could have got with an afternoon class schedule, mental simulation from an university environment and the free time to stay physically active shows that college life does have it's perks. Well, I guess it's time to study for the GRE's. Oh, there's BSF homework, so at least i retain some sort of homework.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Day 3 of 365: Frustrated freedom

I solved the mystery of the silent alarm this morning. I woke up 10 minutes after the alarm suppose to go off and in my semi-conscious state, I checked it and discovered that the audio file was corrupted. The alarm worked on its own, but only in the form of a vibration. Half awake, I finally got the phone alarm after going through the remaining audio files... The time for a new phone draws near...

Worship was refreshing today. The set went well and Pastor Kingston covered the topic of the Temple of Solomon and the sacredness of the Temple's articles. Definitely see the many things of the church differently.

After the message, I sat in the Jr. High Sunday school to help out and there was a moment of great intellectual debate between the students. Know this, these are Jr. High students! 11-13 years of age and yet their minds are able to comprehend great thought! Jr. High ministry has bumped itself up a notch and the leaders need to follow suit. It's rather encouraging for me to see students learn at a great level. Encourages me to be well-versed in my theology.

Sitting in Sunday school helped killed off some time before my ride gets out of his class. Didn't get home, but I did have lunch with some folk (Amos, Joan, Mei, Mike, Brian W., Ken and Felix) at PPQ on Clement. Good lunch and some good time of fellowship. After that, it was home bound.

On the way home, driving on Park Presidio, we (Amos, Brian W., Mei and Joan) saw some folks from the Pro-Life group and they were holding signs against abortion. One of them apparently had a conversation with the car in front and from the looks of the group member, it didn't look very agreeable. When the light turned green, a hand stuck out with the thumb pointing down. Talk about discouraging...

At this point, I decided to take a detour and head towards Great Highway to drop Brian off. Just at the intersection of 18th Ave and Cabrillo, going towards Fulton, everything was normal until this Mercedes S-class decided to forget me and go through the intersection when I was half way through. First time in a long time, the horn went off. I think after that, I wasn't very happy.

Fast forward to me bringing dropped off at home after Brian, I was suppose to meet up with Uncle George with Annie to look at a property that could be another management project. Good opportunity to learn something more, but my mood was already fouled out... I stayed calm and collected for as long as I can and went with the flow of things.

I later spent some time with Annie at Target and Best Buy for a while before heading home to chill and relax. Played Fallout 3 for a while, then Forza 2 and Zombie Apocalypse.

Jeremy's philosophical corner:

So the incident with the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice had me thinking a little and I just have a couple of things to say. Not much, but I think it's provocative. Here goes: This is the United States, but a divided nation. Think about it.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day 2 of 365: Enjoying the moment

Saturday mornings begins with an early meeting with the Bible Study Fellowship leaders and I woke up 5 minutes before the meeting's start time at 6:55am. I didn't know whether I slept through the alarm or I unconsciously snoozed it. It was definitely snoozed, but either possible actions could very well be the culprit. Regardless, I called and informed Ben to anticipate my late arrival and sped change, brush and drove to the church. The fastest time I ever clocked for my drive to BSF. Poor car has to warm up on the go...

The meeting itself was normal and I told myself to suck up and be a man about coming in late. I was given the task of filling in for the Children Supervisor since the previous had to step down and that means me, the young, leading the older, more experienced men of the team. I can't say that I feel comfortable with the role, but for now, the need is filled. It's definitely something I wouldn't want to hold on to for long.

After a couple hours, it was worship practice for Sunday Service. The set was songs that we haven't played in a while, so that will be refreshing. Had lunch with mom after that at Stack's with Annie and Amos.

Few hours and a nap later, it was dinner at Annie's. Her parents cooked which usually means a banquet. Awesome food as usual with abalone, sweet shrimp and lots of other good stuff!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Day 1 of 365: Looking ahead

Day 1...counting down to the day of marriage. The thought brings excitement, yet there is fear. Fear of the unknown, stepping into the next milestone of life. The part of life where priorities are altered to have the family in mind instead of what was once the selfish desire to gratify the id. Still, there is much less to fear when you have a circle of support from those that went before me. The ones that been through more struggle to the point where life, as it is now, is a luxury. These are, of course, parents and parents of close friends. Wisdom comes from experience and fledgling wisdom seeks the wisdom of the old. Learning what my parents went through in their wedding makes mine almost too glamorous. A long guest list, extravagant banquet, and a ceremony fit for kings.

Marriage is a beautiful picture of Jesus and the church. As this last year of my singlehood counts down, I hope to document the experience and pick up a couple of cool revelations.

Jeremy's philosophical corner:

In this world, the only real world we know of, "perfection" is wrong. A thought after watching "Surrogates", the Bruce Willis film, came to me when Annie and I shared our opinions about the movie. One of the claims made in the movie was the low crime rate due to the use of robotic surrogates, which is true if you don't count abuse and harm to surrogate units. Would that be perfect if the world live without worrying about themselves? True be told, "perfection" is foreign to a sinful world. Of course, "perfection" defined here would be a world without fear and death and that's what's wrong with it in this world.

Reflecting on this, Jesus is actually pretty foreign to us. The man who knew no sin lived among us who indulge in it. In the same way, most of us that avoid sin and follow Jesus are probably shun for not tagging along to the usual clubs, parties and drinking binges. It's just foreign for one not to indulge. With that said, what Jesus did in the Bible is contrary to what Jewish culture deems correct. And today, it's still opposite to the world.