Sunday, December 13, 2009

Day 73 of 365: Naps

Such a relaxing Sunday... I slept a little more than my usual Sunday and woke up with enough time to pick Annie up and make it for worship. Today's sermon was by Rev. Paul Wang who covered Isaiah 9. The message topic was about the names of Jesus in this passage and I thought it was a good reminder of who Jesus means to us.

Annie and I went for lunch after that. Had Korean at My Tofu House. Good stuff, but in my mind, something didn't feel like what it was before. Like the soup was missing something important. Well, either way, it was refreshingly hot for such a cold Sunday.

I dropped Annie at home so she could do some errands while I covered a list of my own. Returned 'Up' to Red Box, baked some cookies, cleaned up my paintball gear for this Saturday and help Jer Wong reassembled his marker back to what it was originally set as. Annie came over shortly after and we just sat down and watch TV. We also played some Mario before Amos came to take the Wii to Matt's. We watched more TV after that and at one point, I took a nap while Annie watched "Confessions of a Shopacholic". Sounded like a funny movie, but I just dozed off.

I woke up after the movie was over and we had to decide on dinner. It was about 7pm and we didn't want to spend money at a restaurant, so we headed over to Safeway on Taraval and got some stuff for dinner. Fried chicken, broccoli, and some sour cream for baked potatoes. It was good for the moment, but I think I'm done with fried chicken for now... After dinner, Annie headed home and I just sat around and chilled. Lazy, yet relaxing...

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