Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 365 of 365: Last episode

This is it. The final day. The last episode. The ending entry.

Reflecting back, this wasn't a waste of time spent to log in what happened through the day. The past 365 days are not recorded memories of my last year of bachelorhood. i started this blog to record how my life progress to this day, this entry. The wisdom i gain from the whole engagement process was invaluable to my growth. With that, i can highlight some of what i gain.

First off, i learned that communication is always key in any relationship. Within the general idea of communication also lies the idea of listening carefully. Something that painfully bites me when i take first-hand information and turn it into an unreliable source of second-hand information. That is mainly because of the lack of listening and remember what was communicated to me.

Second, always remember the important dates. Guys, it may not be as important to you, but if you love your woman, i think that is more reason to make it an important thing to remember. Forgetting anniversaries and other key elements of what makes your relationship, in terms of activities, is like saying to your woman that everything that you do together isn't important.

Thirdly, sacrifice. If you're not ready to sacrifice, you're not ready period! Picture it this way: a husband is there to be the head of the household and the one that takes the bullet first for his wife. That is some crazy stuff and if women out there are thinking that men shouldn't be the head of the home, then i don't know what is up with that. To sacrifice isn't just to actually sacrifice yourself physically to your wife, but to also sacrifice the things in your life like hobbies or interests. Parable of the hidden treasure or the pearl (Matthew 13:44-46) is perfect in describing sacrifice. Are you willing to give up certain things for your wife?

These are just some of the lessons that i've learn from the past year. One of my goals through this engagement period was for me to learn what it might have felt like for Jesus to see the church as His bride and whether i can love Annie as Christ loved the church. i know i'm not perfect and i will make mistakes. Heck, i am definitely no where near the level of Jesus. That doesn't mean that i can strive for it.

As for today, it was relaxing. Feeling comfortable from the rehearsal, today was meant to relax and wind down before the crazy Saturday to come. It started with breakfast at Boulevard cafe with my parents and Amos. Kristy couldn't wake up in time for breakfast, so she missed out. It was okay, we got some thing for her to eat. Breakfast itself was a good time. Amos mentioned to us that breakfast is the most significant meal of the day, not because it's important, but because you have to wake up for it. So to have breakfast with someone means that that person is so important that you'll wake up early in the morning to meet them for a meal. i say that is insightful. i had a view on lunch and dinner, so i guess Amos filled in breakfast for me!

We then drove to Quiznos where we got that something for Kristy. Went home and found her still sleeping like a Snolax. We did our own thing, which for me was polishing up my vows. Thought i had it down until i proofread it and make some corrections. Also made a little prop out of my vows for the wedding to give it some comic relief. Hey, ceremonies can be boring, so why not stir some fun to it?

There was a little bit of a tense moment between me and Mom about the banquet, but Dad was wise to halt it. Took some reasoning and explanation to clear everything up, but the cool off time felt longer. Matters not. Dad was right that we shouldn't worry about the problem, but to avoid making another problem out of it. Everything worked out fine after.

Didn't do much after that because i was thinking about several things all at once. i was scheduled to have an interview for a full-time position at the clinic today, needed to pack for the honeymoon, prepared everything that needed to be moved for tomorrow and other miscellaneous items. Dad decided to take the time to fix an electrical problem in the bathroom and i helped him out. Dad is so smart! Even i would never have thought that the problem was a bad switch. We got one and replaced it and now, i don't have to shower in the dark anymore! Wait, you don't have to know that now, did you?

Parents and Kristy went shopping and i decided to drive to the clinic early. Sat in the car for a bit to pray and relax before i walked over. Took a short moment to ready a room for the interview, but the overall experience of it went well. i thought that i answered all the questions well and most of it was based on what i learn from God. i like one of the questions which would probably scare most people. The question goes as such: "What does customer service mean to you?" Immediately, i answered, "Never put your pride in yourself before others." Sum it up to this: Servant heart.

i came home after and waited for dinner to come around. i thought i finished my little vow prop, but Amos suggested it to be more extensive, so that was what i started to do a little before i decided to take a break. Why? Because i remember that Annie wanted me to tidy up the room before we all come over for the tea ceremony. Well, i did the best i can and next thing you know, Annie, Cindy and Katy were over to help Annie try her dress out. So i was kicked out of the room, but at least it was a neat and tidy room.

Fast forward to dinner time, i suggested Pisces on Judah for dinner as my last dinner as a bachelor and we spent quite some time there. Food was pretty good, although i felt like we ordered too much. It's okay though, it's the company that matters most. It was a good time spent with my family before i started a family of my own. i do look forward to my own kids and moments like these, though i don't expect the same.

Drove home and i chilled for a while. Finished all the wedding stuff that needed to be done and packed my bag for my first couple nights at the hotel. i still need to pack for the honeymoon, which isn't too far away, but i want to put my attention on the wedding first before i get distracted.

Anyway, this is the last entry. For those that were reading it, thanks for bearing with me. It has been a great time writing and i'm amazing at the amount of discipline i have for it. Well, today, Mr. Lee! Tomorrow! Mr....Lee?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 364 of 365: Rehearsal night

Last day of work! i think i said that before, but this time it can be said as last day before the wedding and a long honeymoon or last day of temp work! Yay! Well, at least it was another productive day. And my boss had scheduled an interview tomorrow for a full-time position, just for formalities. i need to get a transcript soon too...

Anyway, lunch was with my parents and Amos again and it was at Empero Taste on Balboa. Simple lunch. Well, actually not quite that simple. With crab on the menu, it changes everything. Soon after, we headed home and Annie made her way over to my place to work on several more issues for the wedding and the rehearsal that would be tonight.

Not long after, Annie and i went to Stonestown for a quick trip to Brookstone. Got something for my guys and we were off back at home. It was then that we started to load up stuff that would stay at the church until the day off. Pretty much used the van for cargo and Amos was back with the tuxedos, so we decided to put that in the van and transport them over to the church so the guys could try it out and bring them home.

The rehearsal itself went rather well. It was a fun time with so many fun-oriented people there. i just hope that all would go well on the day of. Surprisingly, the practice was covered as thorough and accurately as the actual ceremony, but with cuts here and there. i wished that the ceremony would be that short on the day, but i need to remind myself that this isn't a service, but a time where Annie and i honor God by presenting ourselves to Him. After the second run, we went to logistical items with the church member and figure out a more efficient layout for the strings. Hopefully what we have now would work.

Dinner was at that Chinese restaurant on that small plaza with 7-Eleven in it. It was a great gathering of the wedding party and for those that helped out. The unfortunate part was that the tables were placed in different sides of the room, but it's okay, it worked out either way. i just hope that they had a great time together.

Today was exciting for me and it's just the rehearsal night! i wonder what this Saturday would be like. i am excited and i will definitely have tons of fun this Saturday!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 363 of 365: Very soon

Argh...i got my times at work mixed up and went to work one hour early. Better than getting to work one hour later than scheduled. At least it was a productive day at work and i was given some news about my full-time job status. It's looking promising and half way through the qualification process, but i won't know until tomorrow or Friday. If all goes well this week, interviews could start next Monday. A little rush for me since i'm flying off to Australia on Monday, but it's okay. Getting the interview over with makes it one less to do after the trip.

i went lunch with my parents and Amos and we wanted to go to Tanni's, but figures...they are closed on Wednesdays. So we went to Tokyo Teriyaki and it was good until i was overwhelmed with too much saltiness in my Sukiyaki.

We went to City Toyota after to pick up the car and Amos headed off to Skyline to studying and stay for his evening class. While he did that, i drove my parents home where i discuss some wedding stuff with them. At least for those that i know well of. Other details require the presence of the Queen...or Annie. When all was settled, i used my time to detail the Camry. i washed it, scrubbed all the junk off it, touched up the paint and wiped the interior. i wanted to vacuum the insides, but i will have to save that for this Friday. Perhaps if i have time, i could clay bar, but i doubt it. Clay bar means i need to do waxing too, which takes too much time.

i cleaned myself up a little and got dress for dancing. i met Annie at church, but she had to drive home to grab some stuff. A quick trip back to her place and we were off to Ross for a short while before dancing practice started. Couldn't find what we were looking for, so we headed back to church. Dexter came in a few minutes after we started our practice and he gave us more tips. We had one great run and the rest was shrouded in confusion. Hopefully there will be time to practice again or else i have to practice it in my head.

We stopped by Starbuck's after, but it was mostly for the wifi. An urgent need for it and a quick drink for me.

Drove back to my place to see what my parents are up to and Dad was just up from his nap. Mom still napping, we offered to head out to grab food for them. Quizno's was the quick fix and i felt bad for not ordering more. i guess that's why my parents tend to order more than we can eat. Anyway, we talked about more wedding details and asked questions that puzzled us. The whole thing didn't take long and soon enough, it was time for Annie to go home. Soon and very soon, that will change and i look forward to the day that she doesn't have to go home every night. Very soon!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 362 of 365: Ecstatically excited

i almost couldn't wake up for work today. It was warm and i didn't quite want to work. In my mind, i wanted to get to the wedding and to our honeymoon! But i need work and i know i'm needed there. That need seems to show itself when i handle most of the Chinese-speaking patients and i was among the few that handled that at the front.

My parents and my brother picked me up in Amos' car. We drove home so i could use the bathroom and Amos wanted to pick up some loose change. i drove my Camry along as we decided to go to Koi Palace for lunch. No questions to ask, no wedding stuff in mind. Just lunch. It was a light dim sum for some reason and we were there for not too long.

We headed over to City Toyota to get some things done and i got a free wash for the Camry. Well, more like a rinse. They didn't do a great job with the wash, but the detailing will be mine to do. When all is settled, we headed home and i was dropped off at home to drive the van to do my thing while everyone else went to have their hair done.

What i had to do was kept low key. i got this Groupon for $30 worth of chocolate at Saratoga chocolate on 16th Street. The Groupon was for $15. Good deal and i had the intention to use it for Annie. For a special occasion, but i felt that it need not wait. i drove over to pick something nice and cool. They had pretty neat pieces of chocolate like a chocolate bowl made out of real chocolate. They even have chocolate white tulips with caramel as soil in a pot.

Got my chocolate and i took a risk by driving to Annie's work through downtown. i don't know how, but i found myself driving up Franklin and to California. i don't think that was the most efficient route, but it got me to Annie's work. We met and chat for a bit. i say that was necessary. Good to always see her during hours where people ought to be working. Good thing that she doesn't have much at work.

i headed back home and it was still warm. i sat around trying to work on anything that i need to do. Next thing i know, it was almost time for BSF. Before i did that, i had to move the Odyssey to the garage and just as i had it in the garage, i was told that Mom was ready to be picked up from the hairdresser. Parked the van and took the Camry. Came back and not long after, i was off to BSF.

Today's class was cool. i'm starting to feel more at home with my group and i shared my answers a little more this time. Volunteered to answer more this time at least. The thing that was cool was how every person that knew about the wedding came and gave great insight and encouragement. The leaders said that they'll be praying at the Saturday morning meeting and that's a comfort to know. Now i did get a sudden sense of revelation in the middle of the lecture and i don't know if this is "cold feet". If so, the heat probably offset the feeling or the Holy Spirit was there because i felt more excitement and peace than panic. Either way, this Saturday is going to be awesome!

On my way back, i stopped at Safeway to get Martinelli cider and grape juice for this Saturday, something i said i'll do for Annie, so she doesn't have to take on too much on her plate. Got some gas for the Camry and went home to shower, eat and speak with Annie. This Saturday is going to be a fun day! I'm excited! Ecstatically excited!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 361 of 365: Singapore-sized portions

Today was a long day. Started with me picking up my parents at the airport, which was awesome! Didn't quite feel like a long time since we seen each other, but it was refreshing to see them again. We decided to have a light breakfast as it was still early in the day, at about 9:30am. We drove all the way to the Richmond district and have our meal at the Chinese Denny's on Geary. Food wasn't as good as before, but it was simple. After that, we got some fruits at the market where we parked. Drove home and helped them settle in.

Amos came home and we had lunch with him. Another light lunch, but at Ninki Japanese on Taraval. Just rolls and some fried oysters. Nothing special again. During lunch, we were talking about various topics including what to do with the van and what car to replace it with. We decided to drive over to City Toyota to look at our options, but not without Mom wanting to drop by Marco Polo's for a little dessert! It was warm today and ice cream did sound good. i went light and got a small jackfruit.

So we walked back and Mom asked for me to drive the Camry down to the bank where there's shade. That's fine. It really was too hot. Picking them up, we made our way to City Toyota and there we looked around. Just looking and trying and sitting in cars that could potentially be our replacement. Amos had his eye on the Corolla S, which isn't too bad...with leather. Hahaha! i was there to play around with the cars, but honestly, there isn't a whole lot to play around with. Just Camrys and Corollas, one Matrix, Tundra and Fj Cruiser. Nothing spectacular. We had someone help us with some information on deals that are currently available and run some numbers. i'll say this much, we spent a lot of time there.

After throwing the afternoon at the dealership, we went for an early dinner at that restaurant on Gellert. Whatever it's called. The Chinese one that Dad loves so much. Dad and Mom thought they were hungry, but mid-way through the meal, they realized that the hunger was short-lived. Mom thought they were used to Singapore-sized portions, but who knows.

Bellies full and ready to go, we went to Macy's at Serramonte to give Mom time to look at some dresses for the wedding. Nada for that place, but i found a good pair of slacks at a great price and Amos found a sweater. Dad was thinking about heading home to take a nap, so we drove him home and then drove Mom to the Macy's at Stonestown with hopes of finding something. Again, nothing much.

We wanted to drop by City Toyota again after that for reasons that some ought to interrogated Amos. Instead, we went to David's Bridal to try to look for something. Fortunately, we did and it took some time for Mom to pick something out. The unfortunate part is that David's Bridal doesn't work like Macy's and there is no return policy. That means this one has to work out and there be some alterations that are needed.

Went back to City Toyota after. What's going on? Drove home and chilled for a while. Another bit of wisdom for all you guys: Remember your promise and stand up for your wife! If not, stress will make a mess of things.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 360 of 365: Having breakfast

Oh, man...i woke up late today for service. Actually, i woke up early first, but i thought i had enough time for another five more minutes. Who knew that five minutes turned into almost an hour? Rushed everything so i could make it and i wasn't at peace with myself being this late. Maybe it's the way that my parents taught me to be on time with any arrangements that i may have. Well, that training sat in well. i made it just as songs were in the middle of its set.

This particular Sunday felt a tad different. It felt like a lot of attention was placed on Annie and i. People asking if we were nervous or if the planning is about done or plans after the wedding. Pastor Mike even mentioned an email that i wrote to the leaders of the church during service and i thought that was too much attention. No way was that email meant to be read to crowds because i am not fit for that kind of attention. This particular Sunday, i guess everyone was asking because this is the last Sunday we have before we are recognized as the married couple. Exciting it is in a way. Ha!

Annie and i went home after to have lunch. Left overs for her, dumplings for me. Simple lunch before we continued what we left off. We did some laundry and vacuum our room. Amos came home not too long after and finished what he needed to finish. When done, i continued my honeymoon planning. Towards the end of the day, we had half of the trip booked and ready for our enjoyment! Besides the wedding, the honeymoon is going to be the next exciting time for us!

Aaron and Matt came over to hang out with Amos. They were watching 'MvF' for a while and deciding on dinner. At times, 'MvF' is entertaining, but also useful in deciding what to eat. i've done that a couple of times and one episode fired me up to make my own chili! Last i saw, Adam Richman was eating a massive burger. What was the decided meal? Guess it right! Burgers.

i drove Annie home because she wanted to have dinner with her folks. i went with the guys for burgers at Red Robin's. They had a couple of new additions: the Pub Burger and the Burnin' Love Burger. Good to see new flavors! i had the Burnin' Love, which is packed with jalapenos and hot dressings. i would think that the spicy heat would kill my appetite a little, but i felt no heat from the burger. A little disappointing on that part, but the burger overall was good! Learned something new from tonight's meal: Campfire sauce! BBQ sauce that looks like Thousand Island, but isn't! Good with the fries.

Came home with Amos and we chilled before i went to take a shower. Did my BSF after that to stay current. Still wish that i could work my will to wake up early for BSF... Starting the day with God is always more refreshing. It's like saying 'good morning' and having breakfast with someone you love.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 359 of 365: Swapped pictures

Started my day with a couple slices of toast, water and a good one hour of studying Isaiah 2. i really want to keep up with BSF on a daily basis and hope that it'll be a consistent part of my days. Taking it like my quiet time, but so far, it's always after a meal. Well, today's study was partly a catch-up for yesterday's since i lack the time to work on it.

After BSF, i went ahead to wait for Amos to get off class and for Annie to finish her early morning shopping. i dropped a couple games of CoD while i wait and on the second game, Annie came home. i expected Amos, but that's mostly because i was used to Amos coming home. With Annie, it's a refreshing change. She showed me her productive shopping for herself and for the wedding. She found a good deal on a flower girl basket and we organized all the new wedding items and cleaned up a little here and there. Annie also got a picture that we were going to use for a new picture frame that we got and wanted to use for the wedding. Special part about this frame was the shape. It was heart-shaped and i had to cut the picture to size. That was honestly fun!

When Amos got back, we decided to have brunch at Stack's. Thank God for smooth traffic and easy parking. The meal was great and we decided to experiment with a route to the hotel that Annie and the bridesmaids will be staying. We needed wifi to check her Touch to confirm the directions and thank God again that there was an Apple store nearby. i got to play with the iPad while she searched for directions and i admit that the iPad is fun to play around with, but one item that i will not get...yet.

We drove to Tanforan to meet up with Annie's dad because he needed to know how to get to the hotel too. We got there early, so we escaped from the heat of the day and into the comforts of cool shaded mall. i had Annie hold on to a gift card to Old Navy and we decided to check it out. i found two pair of jeans that i needed, Amos got a sweater and a pair of khakis and Annie found a top of some sorts. Haha!

Annie's dad arrived, we met and we went, in two separate cars, to Embassy Suites! Annie got lost once, so i was a tad afraid that i would too especially when her dad was behind me. Pressure to be a good leader to him and a strong and sure head to know where i'm going. Well, we got there and it wasn't that hard to get to. Stop for a while for Annie to use the bathroom and off we went to find our way back home.

When arrived, we started our cleaning routine. Mom and Dad are flying back this Monday and the home needs to be spotless. i say we did a good job covering most of the rooms. The only one left was my room. Not much to do. Just tidying up and vacuuming. i think the hardest was the kitchen. All those grease-covered appliances...

Amos left for worship practice and Annie and i were just about ready to call it a day. We sat and watched TV for a bit before deciding to head out for dinner. Nothing special. Just Hong Kong cafe on Noriega. Skipping ahead to after dinner, we continued more wedding stuff. One item on the list was the slide show that needed editing. We swapped pictures and i had to arrange the timing of each picture. Now i can really call it the 'Final Production'! No need for post-production! That was pretty much most of how we spent our time.

Now to think that i have less than a week before i change my status from 'Single' to 'Married'...Mr. Lee to...Mr. Lee?