Sunday, October 25, 2009

[Make-up] Day 23 of 365: Good sleep

I just got back from Matt's place after having a steak dinner with Aaron, Mike, Mei, Amos, Matt, Annie and I. Pretty fun, though this happened after my 3 hours of catch-up sleep in the afternoon. Fun though. Played Pictionary after dinner, but not from the actual game board itself, but with words that we came up with ourselves.

BSF this morning was surprisingly fine. There wasn't the struggle to get up from bed, or the sluggishness of the morning. Maybe it was the fog I woke up to. I actually like the fog a lot! It's mysterious in some way and in most other ways dangerous since you have to be extra careful when looking out for crazy drivers.

After BSF, I headed to church to lead assembly in the Saturday Chinese School program. Went well, though I wish I had more time to prepare. Came out with a last minute illustration, which I hope caught their attention. Rather quiet group, but I guess they just need some time to warm up to us.

After that, it's the Pumpkin Patch field trip for the TNT kids. This is for them to pick out a pumpkin for next Friday's Parents Appreciation night. Hopefully that'll come out fine... I found some stencils for the kids for follow and most of them are pretty clean and fun!

Went home after, which resulted in a crash on mental state...I literally was shutting up and ready for a nap. After Annie came over, at which Amos was already home with Mike and Mei, I plopped into bed and just slept straight through for 3 hours. Good sleep, but I need a little more...

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