Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 6 of 365: Living example

It was refreshing to meditate on God's word and I know this is something I'm lacking. I've been trying hard to remember what I learn from the Bible and of course the one that stuck with me is James 1:19 [...everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.]. Good verse to begin applying. Oh, and I met a patient today that complimented my work attitude and how it was professional. I guess that's from juggling 6 phone calls and 3 patients-in-person all at the same time for 30 minutes with that happening about 4-5 times today. I have, honestly, never seen my phone light up with blinking active phone lines with patients on the other side waiting, hopefully patiently, for me to help them. Being only one man versus a mob, it's hard, but still not bothered by it. I hope it's not a sense of numbness to phone calls or unless I'm going to ignore anyone's phone calls on my cell...

Had lunch with my mom today at Cafe Bakery on Noriega. You'll be surprise at the quality of the food there. Good stuff for a reasonable price! Anyway, lunch with mom is always fresh and we would have something to say or share about our experiences of the day or wisdom that we acquired. Most of the time was dedicated to planning our trip down to LA this weekend. Really excited to head down and visit Kristy, check out Biola and hoping to hear John MacArthur speak at Grace Community.

After work, I tried to do some errands, but since I got off work at 5pm, I could only do so much as part of the city heads home. Save that for tomorrow. I did, however, head down to Kukje supermarket at Daly City to pick up some Korean Pears. Not for myself, but for Victor and his family. We had a dinner appointment at his home, so I didn't want to arrive "empty handed". Dinner was great [Laksa] and the conversation is always interesting. It's good to have a brother to confide in regards to ministry...stuff...

Well, I have tons to finish up before crashing and I highlighted some of the...highlights...of the day.

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