Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day 5 of 365: Cruising through

Today was like driving though LA traffic, but not one bit bothered by the surrounding drivers honking and swerving in and out of lanes. Dealing with strange and picky people isn't the easiest task especially when you can only do so much for them. Even so, dealing with them was like cruising through with my mind on auto-pilot. Well, auto-pilot in a sense that, if the conversation is in Chinese, I know exactly what to say, but it would feel like something said too often. Or as Bilbo Baggins would put it, "like butter spread over too much bread". Now sitting here, it felt like time did fly by and I'm in the comforts of my home. Then again, the cycle begins again tomorrow, but I'm thankful that not one day is the same from the other. Adds the much needed flavor.

BSF tonight was rather systematic. It's the first night that I took over as the acting Children Supervisor. This isn't the first time that I had to take over leadership, but what needs to be done has to be met. At least for now, I'll have to do.

At this point in life, I do pray and ask if God wants me to take a break, a year's worth minimal, from youth ministry. Maybe from teaching period. I feel like I'm giving more than I receive. Almost like blowing a balloon, but never taking enough air in to blow back out. It's not that the joy isn't there in ministry. It's the bluntness of the blade that prevents me from being effective. I need to look for a strong men's small group. I don't feel like there's one forming at Golden Gate for now, but I also want to make sure this group is scriptural sound.

Lets see where the good Lord leads.

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