Monday, October 26, 2009

Day 25 of 365: Good stuff

I never thought the H1N1 caused such a scare... There was so many phone calls at isolated times of the day! I'll get moments of constant ringing and then after all that, it could be silent for half an hour before the whole cycle starts all over again... Needless to say, it was busy. Had a lot of projects to take care of, including one that needs me to make an ad to announce the cancellation of the seasonal flu clinic that was originally scheduled for next week. I am anticipating a lot of angry patients...

After work, I had to do a showing of an apartment unit for a small family from Texas. Very interesting family. Father is a retired veteran, older son is a private business owner and a 8th grade son. Went through everything by the book. Can't say how nervous I was before the meeting, but as long as I get everything down, I wasn't too worried.

When that was done, I headed over to the Richmond district to meet up with an old High School friend that I haven't seen in a while. Good time to catch up. Had dinner at Sushi Bistro. Not how I would like my Japanese done, but I have to say, it did have a unique swing to sushi rolls. You were right, Kristy. Good stuff!

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