Monday, October 12, 2009

Day 11 of 365: Despiteful respite

I haven't quite slept this well in a while now. No, this pass Saturday didn't count since I did wake up with a bit of uneasiness. This morning was some real sleep. A dispiteful respite to those who didn't get the day off, but I'm sure there are days that I had to work and others didn't. Oh, I believe that today's break happens to be an unpaid holiday for city employees, so that's the trade-off. Didn't matter to me since I work four days a week.

I went over to the Duncan property to clean up and thankfully the place wasn't all that bad. Cleaning up was faster than usual.

Had lunch with Amos and Mom at the Cafe Bakery on Noriega and then it's to the Guitar Center! Spent an hour there trying different acoustic guitars. You know, I really thought I found THE guitar, but that's just reading the specs on the website. Once I got a feel of it, I was pleasantly surprise at the sounds, but not until I tried several guitars priced from $1,499 to $2,299. Suddenly, the one that I was aiming for sounded like the Ibanez I gave Kristy. Of course, looking at the price tag had me calculating my paychecks and how many months of work do I have to complete to safely acquire the one good guitar for life. I guess I really do have to wait till Christmas...

My brother and I were planning to watch a movie, particularly '9', but the timing of the showings wasn't favorable to our schedule and the schedules of friends. After our visit to Guitar Center, we zipped our way to pick up Mike, but only after a quick trip to 7-11 for a slurpee run. Refreshing!

So the movie plan switched from '9' to 'Zombieland'. We dropped by Subway for a quick dinner before heading down to the Century 20 box office. Amos had second thoughts on spending money on 'Zombieland' and decided to opt for another movie: 'Surrogates'. Yes, I watched it already, but it's okay. It's all about the fellowship anyway...

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