Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 4 of 365: Strange contentment

Today, I expected plenty of activity at work. Plenty of patient interactions, updating reports and plain old running around asking if anyone needs help with something. I have to say that despite yesterday low-cast mentality, today's mood was relatively positive and strangely contented. Maybe it's the coffee I had, maybe it's the sleep. I say it's God using it to lift me up. Even though I had to deal with a couple of sloth-like patients (speaking in "uh-mmms" and "errrs"), the word to define them is the opening to test my own [patience]. Regardless of the day, it went well. Productive and lightly busy. Tomorrow might be a different story, so tune in for that.

Jumping to dinner, it was nothing but an old fashion American steak dinner. I probably stuffed about a pound of medium-rare beef down my throat and I might just be done with steak for a while. That beef is going to digest for a week. Props to Mom making the steak. Couldn't done it any better myself!

I'm starting to think that life without school is almost like a life of zombies. Walking to work would probably show some evidence of declining mental abilities. Plus the additional sleep I could have got with an afternoon class schedule, mental simulation from an university environment and the free time to stay physically active shows that college life does have it's perks. Well, I guess it's time to study for the GRE's. Oh, there's BSF homework, so at least i retain some sort of homework.

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