Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 150 of 365: Bridal fair

So if someone claims that God doesn't exist, would you ask them if they made the effort to search for God? If they said 'yes', then it's probably a physical search of God through science. That's not how it works. In fact, even though God created all that we see and touch, we can't expect to find God there. Reason being is because we are fixated on looking for a physical God. And the whole time we are teaching about God as a spirit like the wind that we cannot see. Basis to prove that God doesn't exist? To the atheist it is, but to a Christian, it's the foundation of faith. Most people probably didn't make the effort to earnestly seek God out. Plenty of reasons why. Pride, fear of being ridiculed, fear of the revelation of condemnation, fear of being proven wrong, insecurity from a lack of control in life.

As Christians, the discipline of seeking after God is the way of getting an encounter with God. You can't discover something if you're not actively looking for it. So if you're not doing your devotions, praying or getting the godly fellowship, there is no way your heart is ready to fellowship with God. Jeremiah 29:13-14 speaks of this. The seeking and finding of God. Oh, Pastor Steve Korch covered this today at church. Very profound. Wakes you up if you're not active in your seeking of God. Want a great spiritual fellowship with God? Seek Him! If things are starting to fall apart around you, don't be discouraged! The way I see it, you are doing something right and the devil is trying to stop you! Remember Job! Ride the storm and you'll see the end of it. Give up and you'll be gone.

Anyway, about today. First session of pre-marital counseling. Piece of advice for the men out there. Women need emotional answers to their tough questions, not logical ones. I was slapped by Pastor Kingston saying that Annie doesn't need a logical assurance, but an emotional one. And I've been giving logical ones... Learn to be emotionally sensitive!

Talking about emotionally sensitive, I went to a bridal fair with Annie.

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