Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 131 of 365: Delicate balance

If there's one thing that I learned today, it's the power of an effective ministry. Why I say this? Well, put it this way, ministries in a church are like any other organizations in the outside world. There are some that are well-coveted because of the benefits and promise that it has for advancement, progress and passion. Some other organizations, however, fall into the struggling ones. If a ministry is struggling, who would naturally volunteer themselves to serve in it? Of course, this is coming from whether the ministry itself has competent leaders and a clear direction. Without it, there is almost no progress.

Why am I saying this? I feel like I've seen a lot of ministries that are struggling to keep up. Most of the time, it's because of too few willing players in the congregation. Not enough members to share the same passion for the ministry and because of that, any ministry can suffer from lack of leadership. The best is when there are members that courageously and prayerfully step up to the calling. These are the ones that have the passion and the clarity of their purpose in ministry. My heart still longs to serve in youth ministry at church, but for some other ministries, I cannot have the same passion for reasons that are complicated. In any case, there is a need for a delicate balance of active service and rest.

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