Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 129 of 365: Slap bass

Music has some sort of magical, if not spiritual, element to the soul. I was almost envious of the worship team today. Almost because I wanted to play, but I know I want a break too. I went to Guitar Center to get a couple of capos for the retreat and while I was there, I played a couple of acoustic guitars and a bass. I was happy. I picked up one of the bass guitars that were hanging in the showroom and plugged it in and I discovered slap bass! That one style of bass that I was looking for (think the Seinfeld theme song)! After playing around and pondering about it, I decided that my current bass was not built for slapping. I still love my bass, don't get me wrong, it's just limited to deep frequencies. Slap was fun! Now if I want that sound, it would cost me. As for the acoustic, though I found cheaper alternatives that sound equally great with those that are more expensive. Anyway, I just bought what I needed and left. Music, however therapeutic, is, and will always be, expensive.

I went over to Annie's to hang out and who would have thought that I would be watching the Super Bowl? Well, mostly for the commercials, but I was entertained by the game either way. I watched it with Annie's Dad and I found that my Cantonese still needs work. That is, of course, if we were to talk about sports. Thank God Annie speaks English! Hahaha!

There was a leaders appreciation dinner that took place at church. I went because I don't participate enough. I ended up serving the food, which isn't bad. I love to serve and serving in this capacity is different from serving in youth ministry. The need is different and the interactions are more mature. I enjoyed it!

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