Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 149 of 365: Dumb thing

Evangelism. A tricky concept. It's...something that we need to do as a church because we need to share the Gospel, but when does the line separate sharing the Gospel and forcing an ideology? First off, you can't force someone to believe in Jesus. That's humanly impossible and is not our responsibility. That is all between God and the person. The Great Commission called us to MAKE disciples, not covert disciples. We are charge to build up the church in the way that Jesus built up His disciples. No way are we to take credit for someone that believes in Jesus, or else that'll be stealing from God. We take joy that a new believer found a new found fellowship with their creator and joy from eternal life. I firmly believe that I am called to build fellow younger brothers, not sisters because that's what older sisters are for, and see that they develop their relationship with Jesus in a sound and solid way that gives them an opportunity to raise disciples of their own. Evangelism is sharing the Gospel, not converting people.

Dumb thing today...i took a nap at a wrong time and i miss an event that i committed to go. i felt so very awful after waking up to a missed event... i don't know if i was that tired, but i should have at least went first and come back early to nap. It's really awful of me...

1 comment:

  1. i napped at the wrong time last week too. missed having lunch with someone. puahahah...*sigh*..
