Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 125 of 365: Bible man

Who would have thought that a walk to the clinic was refreshing? Well, what about 2 hours worth of walking? It wasn't tiring, but it did take 2 hours. One hour walking with the walking class group, and one hour to get to the clinic and back home combined. At least it's some form of exercise. On the way back, I got something to eat since I started the day empty. So that snack of char siew bau was my brunch.

After that, I picked Annie up so we could do some measuring at the church we'll be getting married in. It was productive at least. Got a lot of good information to get the planning process moving again. About an hour in, we were done. That's where I went to meet up with a paintball friend to pick up a part for my 98. It'll be useful, but not what I expected. Apparently, it's another version. I could still use it anyway.

I drove Annie to the airport to pick up her rental for the week. Almost didn't know where to go, but we always manage. Thank God! On the way back, I almost went to Target, but instead I was at Gamestop for a while. Soon after, I thought about going over to Annie's to pick up soup from her Mom. And that I did. Not too long after, I was home and planning to watch 'Book of Eli' with Amos. Vincent was there, so he joined in.

We had dinner at Carl's Jr. Ordered the Fish Tacos there. Two words: "Never again". I think the phase of Carl's Jr, or fast food in general, is over for me. In-N-Out is the exception, but fast food just isn't cutting it. I'm not satisfied at all. Full, but not satisfied.

The movie was not what I expected. Very slow paced, but it was daring in a sense that Denzel Washington's character was praying and quoting verses. No theological stuff in it, but it was a daring attempt to add Christianity into a movie. That actually triggered a thought in my head.

The Word of God and all its aspects cannot be twisted into what Hollywood, or the world, sees it as. They could make it look bad, by adding characters that are "Christians", but are completely self-serving, or they could make it look cool, like the up-coming movie, "Legion". Regardless of what the world tries to do, we can't make God fit the movie. We have to fit it. That's why adaptations of making Christianity cool like 'Bible Man' (I'm serious) can't entertain the public because God is not there as entertain. We can't adjust what we think about God to fit our lives, we have to adjust our lives to fit His will. Such examples are like the "Ten Commandments" movie. That was us telling the story as it was told in the Bible, though I thought that some parts weren't as accurate, but it's the world we live in...

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