Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 147 of 365: Our day

There's a reason why some people are so hard to love. In fact, it is in God's will that these people are hard to love. That reason: for the God's children to practice His word in loving one another, no matter how hard it is to love them. Jesus probably demonstrated this love in the best way that is difficult for a mere human being to replicate. It's easy for Him because He is God manifested in human form and we know that God is love. Regular people like you and me, however, are born in sin and therefore have that difficulty loving.

There is hope though! By our faith and knowledge of our election by God, we come to know this love and in our goal to follow Jesus' commands, we learn to love one another. There shouldn't be any difficulty in loving others because if there is, it's the sin talking us out of our faith. That's a warning there. We can't allow our sinful bodies to dictate what our hearts aim to do. As the Apostle Paul mentioned in 1 Corinthians 9:26-27, we have to take control and do the will of God!

I know in my life, there are some that I have a hard time loving. I know God is tugging at my heart to love them. Revealed His Word to me so many times in sermons, BSF and radio programs on KFAX. What I need to work on is obedience and learning how to rebuke in love. Most of the time, it's because something didn't sit right in my stomach that stirs these negative feelings. Pray...

Well, the day was just another work day. The highlight was definitely my impromptu dinner date with Annie at that Japanese place on the corner of 16th and Irving. Good dinner. And we had dessert at 100%...on Clement? Pretty decent HK desserts. I like! That made our day for sure...

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