Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 253 of 365: Middle sucks

Marriage is difficult...already? Yeah, it's difficult. And this is not just for either the husband or wife, it's for both. Both have their families to think about and both are essentially suck in the middle. Being in the middle is not enjoyable. In most cases, it provides tension that one party might not be aware of. Often times, the selfish ambitions and desires kick in and we get left behind. It's a sad truth, but a real test of faith and courage in this crazy tug-o-war. There is a fact of this part of my life that i have to face. We will always be in the middle. It's that one status that i dislike with passion because it's stressful... What does the Bible say about this? For sure in Genesis, we see that a man and a woman leave their mothers and fathers and become one, but that is to have their own place. The need to support the family as a whole has to stand since it's a principle that will be passed on to the couple's children. It most likely doesn't mean that family ties are cut. That wouldn't set much of an example for future generations.

Middle sucks, but it's life.

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