Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 252 of 365: Without prayer

Praying is to sustain a spirit as breathing is to sustain a body. It is important and you don't want to hold your spiritual breath since a lack of it will not benefit you at all. As we hold our breath, the oxygen that the body needs gets depleted and the carbon dioxide content increases. That's bad for the body. It probably works parallel in describing prayer, and thank God for parallel analogies! Without prayer, the spirit lacks that fellowship with Jesus and without that fellowship, the spirit falls under a malnourished state that is vulnerable to attacks. Similar to the body's antagonist, the virus, the spirit has the same adversary, the devil, and he seeks to tear the body down as the spirit fails to maintain its proper defenses, or fellowship with God.

However, there will always be moments in our lives were our body gives in to sickness, even though we were fine prior to that. That would be comfortable viewed as a test of faith in terms of spirit. Like all trials and sicknesses, there is a starting point and there is an ending point. Each end varies on how the body reacts to the sickness and likewise to the trials of our lives, the spirit reacts according to the prayer it prays. How desperate we are when stuck in a tough and sour situation that our spirit begins to increase the nutrients that it needs to fight the sickness. Hence more praying in tough times.

Breathing is important and prayer is more than breathing. It's breathing and speaking to our Creator God. Without prayer, we are stuck and immobile in our walks. You don't have to take deep breaths, but it is beneficial in stressful times!

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