Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 202 of 365: Needed areas

i had dinner with my brother and we talked about what he's planning to do and set for his major. Pointing at certain directions for him to consider and career choices that will benefit him in the future. Which brings the thought about money. It's easy to calculate salaries and paychecks, but it's hard to get a job that pays. When starting a family, make sure you know what you want first. How much money you have determines how easy it will be in the beginning. i say the beginning because it'll be less of a struggle to provide for your family and your children, but depending on how to manage your finances and how you teach your children about the responsibilities behind it, you might encounter family conflicts and misdemeanor from your children.

Now thinking that versus learning to build from small to big and learning how to struggle with what you have in your pocket and who you have by your side. Living with less doesn't mean you'll live in poverty, but you are able to manage your finances better by cutting costs and allocating funds in needed areas. Children can be taught to be content with what they have and, hopefully, be able to know the difference between "needs" and "wants".

We can't always get what we want, but we can work our way there. God provides the path to walk, we move in faith along that path. The advantage of knowing that God provides is that He will provide as long as we focus on Him first, not money and material.

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