Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 189 of 365: All Snoopy

Good to sleep in, bad to waste time. i think the care-free days are slowly coming to an end. The days of rest lies in certain days that are permissible by the authorities that i'm under. i pray that i'll be able to get some job that more permanent and i might be able to get something. Just hoping...

Well, i managed to go to Great America for some cheap thrills. Admission at $25 and i can't argue with the price. Went with Eric and it was a good time hanging out with him again. Talking about more car stuff, things of the past and the things of the present. One thing we were complaining about in the park was how it is not as exciting as before. Only one ride was truly worth it and that's 'Flight Deck', formerly known as 'Top Gun'. And i think Great America is not under Paramount anymore. There are no traces of the Looney Tunes, Spongebob or anything Paramount-related. It's all Snoopy now...

How to live a pure and holy life? Start with God. Focus on God. Meditate on His words and remove anything that hinders... i have a lot to rid off...

1 comment:

  1. I like Snoopy! Did you get me something snoopy related? =)
