Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 319 of 365: Bigger production

Well, today was rather indifferent. Started the day in autopilot. That means i'm either doing something routinely or i'm doing something with less mental processing. The latter seem bad, but it's okay, it just means i can do anything as long as i know what that it.

i spent the majority of the day working on the slide show, putting the pictures together and trying to make it play. The program in this computer isn't making it simple, so i decided to go the mac way. i'll borrow Amos' mac for the slide show. At least i know it'll work. So much for a bigger production... Perhaps it's a project for another time.

Lunch was simple. Finish whatever i have in the fridge. Dinner was a lot better. i took Kristy to Tani's Kitchen, probably the best Japanese in Daly City! i read that some don't like the type of service they got. Well, i don't go primarily for the service. It's all about the food and the donburis are always a killer! If anything, Tani's won another regular! Anyway, we talk a bunch, though i was surprised that we talked a lot about food. Usually that isn't the biggest topic between Kristy and i, but it was and i agree with what she said about food: Food is the best way to know a culture. With that, i like to travel the nation and world to sample food! Lets start with Australia in October!

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