Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 359 of 365: Swapped pictures

Started my day with a couple slices of toast, water and a good one hour of studying Isaiah 2. i really want to keep up with BSF on a daily basis and hope that it'll be a consistent part of my days. Taking it like my quiet time, but so far, it's always after a meal. Well, today's study was partly a catch-up for yesterday's since i lack the time to work on it.

After BSF, i went ahead to wait for Amos to get off class and for Annie to finish her early morning shopping. i dropped a couple games of CoD while i wait and on the second game, Annie came home. i expected Amos, but that's mostly because i was used to Amos coming home. With Annie, it's a refreshing change. She showed me her productive shopping for herself and for the wedding. She found a good deal on a flower girl basket and we organized all the new wedding items and cleaned up a little here and there. Annie also got a picture that we were going to use for a new picture frame that we got and wanted to use for the wedding. Special part about this frame was the shape. It was heart-shaped and i had to cut the picture to size. That was honestly fun!

When Amos got back, we decided to have brunch at Stack's. Thank God for smooth traffic and easy parking. The meal was great and we decided to experiment with a route to the hotel that Annie and the bridesmaids will be staying. We needed wifi to check her Touch to confirm the directions and thank God again that there was an Apple store nearby. i got to play with the iPad while she searched for directions and i admit that the iPad is fun to play around with, but one item that i will not get...yet.

We drove to Tanforan to meet up with Annie's dad because he needed to know how to get to the hotel too. We got there early, so we escaped from the heat of the day and into the comforts of cool shaded mall. i had Annie hold on to a gift card to Old Navy and we decided to check it out. i found two pair of jeans that i needed, Amos got a sweater and a pair of khakis and Annie found a top of some sorts. Haha!

Annie's dad arrived, we met and we went, in two separate cars, to Embassy Suites! Annie got lost once, so i was a tad afraid that i would too especially when her dad was behind me. Pressure to be a good leader to him and a strong and sure head to know where i'm going. Well, we got there and it wasn't that hard to get to. Stop for a while for Annie to use the bathroom and off we went to find our way back home.

When arrived, we started our cleaning routine. Mom and Dad are flying back this Monday and the home needs to be spotless. i say we did a good job covering most of the rooms. The only one left was my room. Not much to do. Just tidying up and vacuuming. i think the hardest was the kitchen. All those grease-covered appliances...

Amos left for worship practice and Annie and i were just about ready to call it a day. We sat and watched TV for a bit before deciding to head out for dinner. Nothing special. Just Hong Kong cafe on Noriega. Skipping ahead to after dinner, we continued more wedding stuff. One item on the list was the slide show that needed editing. We swapped pictures and i had to arrange the timing of each picture. Now i can really call it the 'Final Production'! No need for post-production! That was pretty much most of how we spent our time.

Now to think that i have less than a week before i change my status from 'Single' to 'Married'...Mr. Lee to...Mr. Lee?

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