Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 358 of 365: Dear John

Well, i'm in the middle of fixing a mistake in the blog. i counted the days left for the blog and something wasn't right. i went back days, even months before and scanned for a skipped day. Found it. It was made a couple months back and this is like fixing a bookkeeping mistake. Tracing it back and correcting the mistake that affected everything.

Today was normal. My boss and i spent some time to polish up my application before sending it for review. Really pray that i get the job. Now i know what it feels like to want a job, but what i really want more, probably, is job stability.

Lunch was at home. Another sandwich. A sandwich fitting for me. Fish, cheese and bacon! The bread is somewhat near expiration and it needs to go. It was good, but i think i might be leaning towards a break on these.

i chilled for the most part, playing the ukulele. i planned my haircut today and i wanted to drop by church to visit the fellowship. Fast forward and i went for my cut. Simple and short, nothing glamorous since Annie is the one that has all the attention. After that, it's a drive over to church and the hunt for parking. When i got to the Gospel Center, i found a bunch of the High Schoolers hanging out, but it's not a casual hang out. i find some with guitars, one with a violin and several of them with sheets of paper. Apparently, the auditions for the worship team was today. It was cool to watch them get ready for the audition and a couple showed me what they had to play and it was great to spend some time with them. i was looking for a particular kid named Larry because i promised him that i'll come with a cut capo for him. He ended up coming much later. It's okay. As long as he has the capo.

i went over to Annie's to pick her up for our easy date night. Dinner was simple. It was at PPQ and what else can i say about it? We went home and almost rented a DVD. Instead, we went 'On-Demand' and watched 'Dear John'. Listen guys, you have to watch the occasional chick flick. It's only wise to do so. In fact, 'Dear John' wasn't as bad as i thought.

It was a good night spent with Annie. Well spent.

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