Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 296 of 365: Youth Ministry

Yay! Paintball! BUT! i didn't leave the city until 10am because i was waiting on a friend that was going to carpool with me. We made it in time for a couple of game before lunch came around and after lunch, it was game on! My pump marker wasn't working like i want it to work. After trying to figure out what is mechanically wrong with it, i realized that there is nothing really wrong. It's not broken. It just work in a way that i didn't know. Well, long story short, i was able to tag out 4 guys, two of which were memorable. One involved me taking a careful shot at the side of a crouching dude after missing the first time. Second was like an epic duel between players!

We both knew where we were and both took cover. It had to come down to either one of us being taken out or having the clock run zero. He was behind a large spool for cover and i was not more than 15 feet away. This was going to be tight and knowing that he has a better and much faster gun didn't look too favorable for me. i had one shot and then a pump for the next. He just need quick finger pulls. It was almost a silly game of hiding behind trees and popping our heads out to look for each other, but strangely enough, we managed to dodge the shots that we exchanged. A mad dash to another spot for cover and i decided to be a bit more gutsy and go in closer for the kill, but knowing that it will have to be a well-placed shot. A couple balls came my way as i popped out of cover, but they were too far away to register a tag. As he shifted back into his cover, i pulled one shot. A shot, as if it was possessed, went flying and curved ever so slightly into the direction of my target and made contact. A hand and a marker pushed upwards and the target, in shocked, walked out. Where was the hit? On his mask and if he were to not wear a mask, it would have went into his eye. Lucky shot? Maybe, but it was not a skilled shot for sure.

What a paintball day! i especially appreciate the lightness of my gear and how nimble i can be in the field. Still out of shape though, but it was a great run!

Annie was out shopping with Cindy in the second half of the day. i guess it's our personal wind-down time. That's good for the both of us.

i met up with Annie, Cindy and Peter for dinner. We had a great Korean dinner at San Mateo and strange enough that this is a part of San Mateo that i never step in, just the adjacent streets. Good conversations and food, it's definitely awesome to hanging out with those of my age. For once, it doesn't feel like youth ministry.

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