Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 279 of 365: Without challenges

Life is full of challenges. Makes sense to have them since it helps you grow and let's you know if you're ready for the next level. It continues to build kn top of each other like Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Same principle. One of the important factors of life is our actions. What do you do with this opportunity? Work the best out of it or give up and be content with where you are now? Often times, we have no choice, but to adapt and failure to do so spells disaster. Teaching children to see this is crucial for their well-being and this turns into a cycle of life that we are all connected to.

At least that's what God planned for us. Why there are some that don't believe by choice and those that are diligent to the end. These are opportunities for Christians to grow and serve in action and words. Without challenges, we can't move for Jesus.

Guessing that i did much pondering today. No computer equals a halted life. Didn't think it was that important, but you appreciate it more when it's gone. Another nugget of truth! Well, at least i was able to do the workout without the video. That's some way. Then there's Annie. Our chats about anything and everthing are always enjoyable. Just need to watch my tone sometimes. Almost feels like i'm bringing the bad patient attitute back home. Not good...

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