Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 282 of 365: Asian Burrito

i woke up a little early to play a couple of matches of Modern Warfare with Kyle. Didn't play long, but enough...just enough. Well, something happened after. A sneeze and it's the most pain one ever. Why? Because this sneeze was so powerful it hurt my neck for the entire day. For the rest of the day until now, my head couldn't turn left. It was weird, but interesting.

Well, the day started with the continuation of pre-marital counseling with Pastor Kingston. i guess there was so much time in between the previous session and now that we had to do a review of what we did, so that took most of our time and only spent a fraction on the next topic, which was finances and budgeting. Lots to think about for that.

After this, we went to South City Car Wash to...of course, wash Annie's dirty Honda, then it was onward to Ikea at Palo Alto! Why there? Because i don't like the bridges... Maybe that's why the pricing went up?

We had lunch at Ikea. Surprisingly good stuff. Got some Chicken Fingers and they were crunchy! i never had a thing for Ikea food until now. It's pretty good for the price too! After lunch, we walked around Ikea to check out stuff for the house, but i decided to hold most of the purchasing for now. For some, it's the exact measurements, for others, it's because of the fact that we don't have a permanent home yet. Strangely, i was feeling rather tiresome at one point and that continued to our trip in Sanford mall after Ikea.

Annie wanted to watch 'Despicable Me' after Ikea and that's what we did at the Tanforan. Got the tickets and had enough time to walk around for a while. Got ourselves an Old Navy tote bag that came with Annie's long skirt that she bought and we went to Target for some necessity shopping. Well, movie time and it was quite a cool movie, all thanks to those...yellow minions.

For dinner, we went to Pho 99 at that Skyline Plaza. Pretty decent pho, but at that time, i was hungry, so most edible items would taste great. Originally, we wanted to try this noodle place at the King Plaza, but it was closed. Interesting that they have something called the 'Asian Burrito'. Whatever that may be...

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